Emancipatory Feminism in the Time of Covid-19

Emancipatory Feminism in the Time of Covid-19

Transformative resistance and social reproduction

Edited by Vishwas Satgar and Ruth Ntlokotse

by Vishwas Satgar, Ruth Ntlokotse, Hawzhin Azeez, Asanda Benya, Christine Bischoff, Jane Cherry, Jacklyn Cock, Samantha Hargreaves, Inge Konik, Jane Mbithi-Dikgol, Courtney Morgan, Sonia Phalatse, Busi Sibeko and Dineo Skosana

Published by: Wits University Press

Series: Democratic Marxisms

Imprint: Wits University Press

272 Pages, 6.14 x 9.21 in

  • Paperback
  • 9781776148264
  • Published: July 2023


  • Hardcover
  • 9781776148271
  • Published: July 2023


  • eBook
  • 9781776148295
  • Published: July 2023
