Vincent Collette is a professor of linguistics at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, and the editor of Nakón-i’a wo! Beginning Nakoda and A Concise Dictionary of Nakoda (Assiniboine). He is interested in Indigenous languages of North America, and is specialized in historical linguistics, semantics, and morphology.
Armand McArthur is from the Siyónide Nakóna Oyáde (Pheasant Rump First Nation) and of mixed Wadopana-I?ha?´ ktu?wan origin. He is a Nakoda language instructor at First Nations University of Canada and also leads Nakoda language classes in Pheasant Rump.
Wilma Kennedy (1923–2020) Heȟága hóta’į wį́yą (Echo of the elk woman) was an educator and activist from Carry the Kettle Nakoda First Nation. She was involved with the Nakoda community’s culture and traditions, and co-authored Nakón-i’a wo! Beginning Nakoda and A Concise Dictionary of Nakoda (Assiniboine).