Shouleh Vatanabadi
Shouleh Vatanabadi teaches Global Cultures in the Global Liberal Studies Program at NYU. She has been a member of NYU fulltime faculty since 1991. Her areas of specialization include: Cultral Studies; Middle East Studies; Iranian and Turkish Studies; Women's Studies; Transnational and Postcolonial Studies. Her current work focuses on the intersections of cultural studies and the politics of translation of the Middle East and the global South-North and South - South cultural flows. She is the co-editor and translator of the award winning book, A Feast in the Mirror: Stories by Contemporary Iranian Women (Boulder: Lynn Rienner Publishers, 2000) and, Another Sea, another Shore: Persian Stories of Migration (Northampton, MA: Interlink Publishing Group, 2004). Among her recent articles are, “Stories beyond Histories, Translations Beyond Nations” in Critique: Critical Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 18 (2) 2009, and “Translating the Transnational” in Cultural Studies, (special Issue: Transnationalism and Cultural Studies), Vol. 23(5&6) 2009, “Uneven Bridge of Translation: Turkey in between East and West” the Cultural Politics of the Middle East in the Americas eds. Ella Shohat and Evelyn Alsultany, University of Michigan Press, 2013.