Isúh Áníi/As Grandmother Said

Isúh Áníi/As Grandmother Said

Dátl'ìshí Ts'ìká áa Guunijà / The Narratives of Bessie Meguinis

Edited by Christopher Cox

Contributions by Dátł'ìshí Ts'ìká Elizabeth (Bessie) Meguinis, Ninàghá Tsitł'á William James (Willie) Little Bear and Dit’óní Didlishí Bruce Starlight

Published by: University of Regina Press

Series: First Nations Language Readers

Imprint: University of Regina Press

186 Pages, 5.50 x 8.50 in

  • Paperback
  • 9780889779853
  • Published: March 2024


  • Hardcover
  • 9780889779884
  • Published: March 2024
