Brandi Katherine Herrera
Brandi Katherine Herrera is an artist whose work in text, image, and sound explores the poetics of color and space. She is the author of Mutterfarbe and Natürlicher, (Broken Cloud Press, 2016); a co-author of MAR (Lute & Cleat, 2018); and co-editor of The Lake Rises (Stockport Flats, 2013). Her work is held in the Seattle Art Museum’s permanent collection, Yale University’s Faber Birren Collection, UCLA’s Louise M. Darling Archive, University at Buffalo’s Poetry Collection, and Reed College’s Special Collections & Archives, and has been featured by the Seattle Art Museum, Cube Gallery, 23 Sandy Gallery, Poetry Press Week, The Volta, Octopus Magazine, The Common, Poor Claudia, Word/For Word, and Borderlands Texas Poetry Review, among others.