The first published collection of stories as told by Mary Louise Rockthunder, a much-beloved storyteller of Cree, Saulteaux, and Nakoda heritage
Mary Louise (nee Bangs) Rockthunder, kīskacawēhamās otānisa, was an Elder of Cree, Saulteaux, and Nakoda descent. Born in 1913, raised and married at nēhiyawipwātināhk / Piapot First Nation, Mary Louise, a much-loved storyteller, speaks of her memories, stories, and knowledge, revealing her personal humility and her deep love and respect for her family and her nēhiyaw language and culture.
The recordings that are transcribed, edited, and translated for this book are presented in three forms: Cree syllabics, standard roman orthography (SRO) for Cree, and English. A full Cree-English glossary concludes the book, providing an additional resource for those learning the nēhiyaw language.