Category: Politics

Rethinking Police Ethics

Rethinking Police Ethics

The challenge for police and democratic institutions that oversee them is how to transform policing so that the advancement of antiracist goals is the norm rather than the exception. For police ethics to contribute to that task, we must rethink its boundaries.

Misogynoir and Kamala Harris

Misogynoir and Kamala Harris

—Moya Bailey
Misogynoir is not simply the racism that Black women encounter, nor is it the misogyny Black women negotiate; it is the uniquely synergistic force of these two oppressions amalgamating into something more harmful than its parts.

International Day of Democracy: A Reading List

International Day of Democracy: A Reading List

In these books, scholars work across the world to evaluate democracy’s past, present and future, and to discover ways democracy can be reinvigorated in the 21st century.

Gearing up for the Election: An eBook Special

Gearing up for the Election: An eBook Special

With the Presidential election rapidly approaching, we’re spending the summer reading up on political issues and election history. Get geared up for the election this summer with our recommended reading,… READ MORE