Category: Criminology

Rethinking Police Ethics

Rethinking Police Ethics

The challenge for police and democratic institutions that oversee them is how to transform policing so that the advancement of antiracist goals is the norm rather than the exception. For police ethics to contribute to that task, we must rethink its boundaries.

Excerpt from Evaluating Police Uses of Force

Excerpt from Evaluating Police Uses of Force

Read an excerpt from a new book by Seth W. Stoughton, Jeffrey J. Noble and Geoffrey P. Alpert that provides a critical understanding and evaluation of police tactics and the use of force.

An Ambiguous Apology from Michael Bloomberg Might Perpetuate Misunderstanding of Stop-and-Frisk

An Ambiguous Apology from Michael Bloomberg Might Perpetuate Misunderstanding of Stop-and-Frisk

—Michael D. White and Henry F. Fradella
Widespread use of SQF as a crime control strategy not only led to violations of citizens’ constitutional rights, but also strained police-community relationships, damaged police legitimacy, and generated significant emotional, psychological, and physical consequences to citizens, especially those of racial or ethnic minority backgrounds